Ten Things You Should Know Before Meeting With A Prospect
When you’re heading to a meeting with a prospective buyer, it’s easy to be intimidated by all that you “don’t know.” You’re unsure of what kind of temperament and personality you’ll encounter, haven’t seen the environment before, aren’t certain what
More On Airline Boarding (I Think)
In response to my bullet point in the most recent "In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking" (below), Andrew Hollo of Australia send me an interesting link on a physicist's approach to airplane boarding. But the really interesting
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• Wild ducks are pretty well camouflaged, but why would they have orange feet? What’s up with that? • Do the movie theater people realize that the rote-like question, “Would you like the larger size for just fifty cents more?” is not
Can You Hear Me Now?
I entered a coffee shop after my workout this morning and a very young, petit woman was on the job. She had on a tee-shirt with a single word emblazoned: “Seniors.” I asked for two iced coffees, with two sweeteners
The Mayfly Question
I’m too often asked the same question by the same person, often within the life span of a Mayfly. One of the more useless of the mindless bromides is, “There is no such thing as a stupid question.” Or course there
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/05/11
September 5, 2011—Issue #102 This week’s focus point: It is said--though probably apocryphal--that Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest explained his victories by his "getting there firstest with the mostest." There is valid reasoning in getting there first.
Getting Started in Consulting
My book, Getting Started in Consulting, is the most popular "Getting Started" offering in Wiley's entire series. It's now in its third edition. Here is some advice, expanded, that I recently posted in response to a question on AlansForums.com. While aimed
Why Lawyers Need Consultants
The paragraph below was forwarded to me by Josh Richards from the New York Times. The story was about the kibillion dollar Los Angeles Dodgers' bankruptcy and possible purchase. You'll see the gesture made by the law firm as one