Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 04/20/2022
Votary: A person bound by an oath. “The votaries had no choice but to support the person who nominated them to their positions.”
A Minute With Alan™ — Obfuscation
April 19, 2022 That’s obfuscation.
The Non-Profit Problem
My wife and I have been on the boards of dozens of non-profits over they years, mostly in the arts, and I've chaired two of them. She has raised millions for them without ever personally asking for a dime. Many non-profits,
A Minute With Alan™ – Weekly Recap | April 11 – 15
A Minute With Alan™ is a daily video series where Alan provides one minute of advice. April 15th, 2022 Supply chain issues are just an excuse. April 14th, 2022 Let's face it. Customer service is going to hell. April 13th, 2022 Snipers are people who shoot
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/18/2022
What do you invest in? Do you invest in stocks and other securities? Do you keep your money conservatively in certificates of deposit and savings accounts? Are you risking a bet on cryptocurrency? How are you amassing money for the
You Owe Me (According to You)
I read this morning about a woman who grew up very poor, joined the Air Force and after her enlistment was up, went to college, and now is a success in business. A man wrote in saying that "he doesn't care
Happy Holiday
Easter is a time of joy after atonement and for salvation, Passover a time of joy for freedom and liberation. Whether you believe in or celebrate these holidays or not, I'm simply sending you my best for a joyous and
Maybe I Won’t Be Going to Heaven
There is huge debate in the Catholic Church hierarchy because a priest in Arizona somewhere was baptizing people with the phrase “we baptize…” instead of the official “I baptize…” Apparently this was a long-standing, minor error, and there are hundreds
Not Seeking New Business, Please Go Away
The coffee shop was closed, so I got back in the truck with the dogs to find another place. But suddenly the door opened and a woman signaled me to enter. "You're a bit late, this morning!" I said with a
Passover and Good Friday
Today is Passover, the Jewish holiday commemorating the "passing over" of Jewish homes by God as He destroyed the first-born of the Egyptians, liberating the Jews from slavery. Today is also Good Friday, commemorating the day Jesus was crucified and died