Football Lessons
Tom Brady is going to the Super Bowl for the tenth time, this time with the Buccaneers, and the Packers and Aaron Rodgers lost their fourth consecutive conference title game because the Buc's coach made a great decision to try
In Person
Are you scheduling any "live" events and/or meetings in the second quarter and beyond? You can always cancel them, but it's time to demonstrate that you're aggressively doing business. You can't network well on Zoom!
Wait, I Just Heard A Good Idea
When you're coaching others you'll often develop responses in the moment that are actually appropriate on many occasions. Make note of them while you're talking (it will appear as if you're simply taking notes). Don't keep reinventing the intellectual wheel.
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: Rhode Island Hospital
The Providence Journal reported that Rhode Island Hospital used part of its limited amount of Covid vaccine to inoculate the board of directors. The statistics are that over 80% of Covid deaths have been among people over 60, but they are
A Ray of Hope
I was very moved by the inauguration, by the ceremony, the continuity over centuries, by President Biden's excellent speech, by Lady Gaga's joyful rendition of the National Anthem. I was moved by the young, energetic, youth poet laureate, Amanda Gorman.
Episode 171: Interview with Lisa Bing
There's no biological basis for race. This week, I'll discuss this topic with Lisa Bing. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Let's face it, this is an important conversation that needs to happen.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 01/20/20
Today's word: fugacious.
Come On, Man: Digital Transmogrification
"Digital transformation" is getting tossed around like “reengineering,” “lean,” “agile,” “management by walking around,” “the one-minute manager,” "good to great," and other such memes which have come to mean nothing at all. Is it a digital transformation if the clock in
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/18/2021
I'm tired of talking about politics, let me talk about health. It's wonderful that the vaccines are here, apparently highly efficacious, and are being distributed nationally (and internationally). Of course, there is criticism about the speed and the priorities. People