Episode 127: Super Bore
Why the Super Bowl has become an almost mindless ritual despite the quality of play on the field. Oh, and I've watched every Super Bowl since I was a junior in college.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 03/18/20
Today's word: proleptic.
How Do You Interact with Your Customers and Prospects in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty?
How Do You Interact with Your Customers and Prospects in Time of Crisis and Uncertainty? I’ve long preached that not all customers are alike, and the customers themselves most certainly are not always right. (They often know what they want but
Business as (Un)usual
Businesses of all kinds are shutting down. What can you offer "remotely" to your clients and to lure prospects? I'd suggest that you don't restart a business the way you would a car. You need to reassess: • Business as usual? Don't
Working From Home: Best Practices
in case you're unaccustomed to working from home, or are accustomed but don't do it well, some points I've learned over the years: Working from Home Set up a schedule, allowing for breaks and lunch. Tell your family. Act as if
Qantas: Dumb Ass, Stupid Management
My wife and I travel full fare, first class. it's my legitimately earned money, and we want to take care of ourselves when we travel. When we go to Australia, as we were scheduled but had to cancel, and will
The Last Debate?
One more try, Sancho, to slay the dragon. My last chance. It's not a dragon, sire, it's capitalism, and no one can figure out why you hate it so much. Let's go back to one of your three homes.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/16/2020
I'm offering a free livestream broadcast on March 26, 11 am US eastern time, on sustaining and building business during a crisis. I'll also focus on financial and life balance issues. Simply go here at the appointed time, or access
Future Marketing Suggestions
What have we learned from the health crisis? Here are some ideas for your consideration: Marketing for the Future Get into the “public square” with your analysis based upon your expertise (supply chain, talent retention, IT, change management, etc.). Err on