Episode 114: Vietnam
Being a description of a place I once tried to avoid and have no need to return to. We tend to lose proportion without experiencing other ways of life.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 12/11/19
Today's word: premonitory.
Priority Time
Your priorities each day are to fill your business pipeline and convert pipeline potential into actual business. If you're spending your days on blog posts, newsletters, social media, software backups, and surfing, you're probably very busy but not very productive.
Get in Line and Fill Out the Form
People claim there are no perpetual motion machines, and that the law of entropy requires gradual decline into disorder. Well, I have a news break for you: Bureaucracies exist mainly to perpetuate themselves and have become highly adept in so
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/09/2019
When I was engaged in helping my clients hire people (and when, in a universe very far away, I ran international sales forces), I focused on three traits. The first was enthusiasm, which I don't believe you can create in
Strategically Thinking….
"We need a strategy" is a common plaint, and usually wrong. What's actually happening is that the tactics are failing. People often respond to my advice with, "I'm already doing that!" I reply, "Yes, but you're not doing it well
The Governor of Rhode Island, Gina Raimondo, was quite popular when first elected, and now at the conclusion of her second and final term is rated the "least most popular governor in the US." Recently, she changed the habit of
Look, Doc, Before You Cut, How About A Ten Percent Discount?
I've never understood consultants who are flummoxed by a prospect saying, "Others can do this cheaper than you." Do you shop for the cheapest heart surgeon, or mechanic for your car, or roof repairer? What's really going on, of course, is
Here's the question you ask before you leave a buyer who has agreed to consider a proposal which you'll create and send within 24 hours: "Is there anything at all we haven't discussed—any priorities, impediments, influences—other than fee, which can possible