Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/15/2019
I love New York City. I grew up across the Hudson River, and went over regularly. I experienced a seedy, sex-driven Times Square, then a “Disneyesque” Times Square, and today a distasteful Times Square. (I don’t need naked women, body-painted,
The Boss Is A Tyrant
You need to look forward to your vacations, and look forward to coming home from your vacations. The idea that you can't do business while sitting on the beach (or hiking in the mountains, or driving through other countries) is as
Blanket Statements
Most platitudes (and that might mean half the advice posted on Linkedin) are inaccurate for most people. People are individuals, yet we insist on treating them as categories and as the contents of some drawer somewhere, in which we dump
Creating More “Best” Clients
A great many professionals try to mix their clients with their prospects to create "evangelism" which will forge new business. Fair enough. But think about this: Your fastest and best route to new business is to specifically mix your best clients
Episode 92: Dig We Must
The Michelangelo Factor and why careers can be works of art if we cull away everything that doesn't fit our passions and skills. If you'd like to truly discover what you want and who you want to be, you need to
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 07/10/19
Today's word: valetudinarian.
Don’t Go Softly…
Once you're delegated to human resources or other places in the bowels of the organization, you're unlikely to get back to the true buyer. Avoid this with intelligent argument: "This is a strategic (leadership) decision, and you and I should decide
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/08/2019
Why I’m Sure I Have Barbarian Roots • I’m happy watching the soccer highlights clips, I can’t stand the tedium in between the rare scoring. And “nil” is just a dumb term, sort of like “zed.” I love the American women’s
The Cable Guy
Cox Cable told me the other day that I merited their latest, fastest modem, the it was free, and that they'd overnight it to me. I installed it and then returned the old one in the same box, postage paid.