Cognitive Dissonance
People at Dunkin' Donuts accept tips at the counter and the drive-through window, and some of them are often harsh and rude. Have we disconnected "gratuity" from being polite? Are they now independent variables?!
Episode 74: The Art Bluff
Not all art is good. It's not unethical to point that out, and it's silly to praise the unwatchable. You should always leap to your feet at the end of a performance, right? Not so fast.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 03/06/19
Today's word: virescent.
There’s Not Necessarily A Monster Under the Bed
When you feel a business practice isn't fair, or can be improved, that doesn't mean it's a "scam" or "conspiracy" or some crime targeted at you. When you start believing that, and then extrapolating it ("Big business is taking over,"
Stupid Human Tricks
Walking the dog in the early hours with dark clothing in the street because the snowfall has covered the sidewalks and lawns is beyond stupid. Even cars that see you can slide into you. I'm concerned about the dogs.
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: Charles Ro Supply
Over the years I've spent a lot of money on tracks and accessories for train layouts at Charles Ro Co., a Lionel dealer in Massachusetts. This has especially been true with my new, 40X40 layout. They send me a lot of
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/04/19
I’m writing this on March 3 (yesterday as you read this), my 73rd birthday. I’ve led a life that I would never have imagined, never studied for, never majored in. What I have focused on is experimentation, innovation, education, and fearlessness.
Response Language to Unreasonable Requests
I'm going to teach you today what to do when a prospect or client buyer asks for something unreasonable, like a fee reduction, or your physical presence when unnecessary, or collaborating with human resources. This is based on 30+ years
The Option Paralysis
Research has shown that when consumers have TOO MANY options, they tend to choose none of them and do not make a purchase. The key is to present just a few options. (Which, tangentially, makes the approaching Democratic primary fascinating,
Innovation or Con?
If you want to see the difference between a true innovator and a conman, consider Jeff Bezos opening a new chain of food stores in addition to Whole Foods; and Elon Musk trying to sell Teslas online, with no showrooms,