Don't allow yourself to be misled or undermined by baseless myths in our profession. Examples: • The summer is dead, don't bother marketing. The thought that businesses stop and all senior people disappear for 90 days may be somewhat true in
The Correct Wine for Hot Dogs
Our granddaughters are sleeping over, so we decided to stay in tonight (we took them out last night to a restaurant on the water, and were rewarded with a swan cruising over for a handout). My wife is a superb
Great Blues
I'm sitting at the pool around 3 today with a Cuban cigar, a Nestle's Crunch, and the Wall Street Journal. Just when I don't think things can get any better, a pterodactyl (AKA, Great Blue Heron) flies a loop over
I’ve Heard This Song Before
An outfit called FreshBooks has put out an ebook that resulted in two dozen emails to me over the past two weeks, all on the same subject. The kinder interpretation was "these guys really learned from you," and the unkinder
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/24/13
June 24, 2013—Issue #196 This week's focus point: The gifted actor James Gandolfini died of an apparent heart attack at age 51 while vacationing in Italy. He had no history of heart disease. No matter what our ages, we must bear
Derivative or Different?
There is a trend in the New York theater world today toward more participatory productions. That means that the audience may be having drinks and dinner at proper tables, and the actors wander into the room, often incorporating the guests
The Dogs Get A Larger Car
Heck of a week: Huge yacht with dinner, Bentley Speed, Aston Vanquish, and now Bentley sold the Speed so they gave me a Mulsanne to kick around with instead. Note that the dogs have a much more regal look in