SuperBowl in New York
We took the train to The City, spent time with the grandchildren, and are now ensconced in the penthouse suite of the Mela Hotel, a boutique place on West 44th, within walking distance of everything. We're ordering deli for a
Odds and Ends Again
On January 23rd I wrote here that Taylor Swift had the worst voice at the Haitian Telethon performance. In my opinion, she can't sing, has no range, can't hold a note. Well, on the Grammy Awards the other day she
Mental Fitness
We are all generally aware of the benefits of maintaining a health regimen. Some of us are more faithful than others, and it's not an easy thing. I'm about to head for my personal trainer, and I'm less than excited
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/01/10
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo®’s mission is to help readers to thrive. February 01, 2010—Issue #20 This week’s focus point: What are your minimum and maximum objectives for an initiative, a meeting, a negotiation? (I call this "min/max.") Unless you create your
Some Simple Lists
In my experience, about 85% of organizations attempting change of any sort are largely unsuccessful. Reasons: • Fad • HR sponsored or implemented • Some manager's pet project • No long-term reinforcement • No adjustments made for culture or beliefs • No flexibility as conditions change •
Thrive! Chapter 4
Listen to Alan reading a chapter from his most recent book Thrive! [podcast][/podcast] and now also on iTunes Click Here for entire podcast series table of contents
Line of the Week
I'm running a Mentor Mastery session in London in February, and secured the presidential suite at The Stafford Hotel through American Express Black Card. All details were taken care of. However, I thought it would be a good idea to talk
Dash (Episode 41) Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved.