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Alan’s Quest

Dear Alan, Thank you for the "Writing on the Wall" videos.  They have inspired me to finally take some bold actions.  I lost a breast to cancer 5 years ago and it has been quite a journey since then. During that time

My Nantucket default routine is to wake up around 6. We're looking at the Atlantic, so the sun rises on the other side of the house. (At dusk, people throng the beach to watch the sunset and have local Tex/Mex/Seafood

I can't find a way to respond to a blog entry that Seth Godin made, so I'm doing it here. I like Seth, he's a fine writer and original thinker and a contributor to all of us. But I don't

Faithful reader Rita Emmett sent this in. We don't know who wrote it, so if any of you do and let me know I'll be happy to provide attribution. I think it's appropriate around the Fourth of July. There was a