Happy Mothers’ Day! I Am Not Afraid to Say That!
I've read that the definition of Puritanism is "the dread fear that some people, somewhere, are enjoying themselves." They ended "Bop with Your Pop" when my daughter was at Syracuse because of a grievance that not everyone had a "pop"
Take A Walk Down the Street
If you want to really learn how people feel about an experience, surveys are pretty useless because they simply reflect those who are very happy or very unhappy. They are self-selective. They miss the huge "middle" and the apathetic. When you
Wait, You Have Real People Working There?
Wouldn't it be refreshing, maybe earthshaking, to hear on a service line recording, "If you'd like to speak to a representative right now, please hit 1 and you'll be connected within 60 seconds." I know I'd give them my business
Of People and Plants
I've had a great personal physician and a great gardener for 30 years, each. I've come to the realization that, when the time comes, it will be far easier to find another great physician than it will be to find
Passover and Good Friday
Today is Passover, the Jewish holiday commemorating the "passing over" of Jewish homes by God as He destroyed the first-born of the Egyptians, liberating the Jews from slavery. Today is also Good Friday, commemorating the day Jesus was crucified and died
Callings and Dreams
You know what the difference is between a "calling" and a "dream"? A calling is an emotional, passionate urge to commit yourself to something that you can immediately engage in, no matter how small or modest, part-time or full-time. A calling
Kansas Chaos
If you read Facebook this morning, you can see in "real time" last night how many people wrote off the Kansas team after they fell behind to North Carolina by 16 points in the NCAA championship game. After halftime, Kansas
Of Course We Can Reschedule. How About 2024, Late Winter?
I have to admit that when I have a coaching call cancelled I'm reminded of the old school days, when a sudden rainstorm cancelled school or a teacher didn't come in and we had a substitute. I didn't find books to
Meme This
I find that people who use memes all the time are desperately trying to look clever dealing with content that they have no ambitions to try to really understand. It's like the loud-mouth drunk heckling a great athlete or actor.
The Dividing Line
Just a (biological and identifying) man's point of view of the Oscars: When did cleavage move from a suggestion to a demand? Instead of women rightly pointing out, "My eyes are up here," they now seem to be saying, "Forget my eyes,