Two Way Trips
We're back from Kauai and LA, and everything at home is lush and green. I've always believed that you should look forward to going on vacation and look forward to returning home.
A "chock" is a small wooden block placed in front of and in back of a vehicle's wheels to prevent movement, The two pieces are connected by a short rope in some instances, which is used to pull the chocks
The Smoking Room
We're at a condo here in Kauai and there are signs clearly stating, "No smoking on property." So I began making surreptitious plans to smoke a cigar somewhere, somehow. (This is easiest when you have a balcony up on the
Why? Why Not?
Someone once asked the great naturalist, John Muir, why poison ivy existed, since it seemed to have no beneficial use and caused so much pain. Muir replied, "Perhaps it was made for itself." We don't need validation from others. Perhaps we've
There’s Pressure and There’s Pressure
True champions and stars are those who perform best when the pressure is at its greatest. HOWEVER, don't create "false pressure" for yourself. Stop worrying about your ego being bruised or someone not liking your and somebody upset with your
Happy Mothers’ Day! I Am Not Afraid to Say That!
I've read that the definition of Puritanism is "the dread fear that some people, somewhere, are enjoying themselves." They ended "Bop with Your Pop" when my daughter was at Syracuse because of a grievance that not everyone had a "pop"
Take A Walk Down the Street
If you want to really learn how people feel about an experience, surveys are pretty useless because they simply reflect those who are very happy or very unhappy. They are self-selective. They miss the huge "middle" and the apathetic. When you
Wait, You Have Real People Working There?
Wouldn't it be refreshing, maybe earthshaking, to hear on a service line recording, "If you'd like to speak to a representative right now, please hit 1 and you'll be connected within 60 seconds." I know I'd give them my business
Of People and Plants
I've had a great personal physician and a great gardener for 30 years, each. I've come to the realization that, when the time comes, it will be far easier to find another great physician than it will be to find
Passover and Good Friday
Today is Passover, the Jewish holiday commemorating the "passing over" of Jewish homes by God as He destroyed the first-born of the Egyptians, liberating the Jews from slavery. Today is also Good Friday, commemorating the day Jesus was crucified and died