Here’s Your Hat, What’s Your Hurry?
People treat "the great resignation" (a stupid name) as if it's an unavoidable meteorological event, or a losing football game. What it actually represents is people leaving bad bosses, and management unable or unwilling to provide recognition for talent and
The Extinction of Privacy
Most people talk too loud on their smart phones, and everyone nearby can hear the conversation (and sometimes the other person's response). The same is true of social media. Talk too "loud" on Facebook and people will hear what you
Education, Sooner or Later
I've never seen intelligence and education as mutual requirements. That is, I've been with a lot of highly educated people who aren't very smart, and a lot of very smart people who've had little formal schooling (or poor schooling). However, if
Your Best Efforts Are of No Interest Unless I’m Better Off
Focus on what you create, not what you do. I want a more beautiful yard, I don't care about how you prune trees or apply fertilizer. I've never been interested in wineries (once you've seen one
Why Can’t I Use My Phone to Pay for Parking?
Why aren't hotels setting up state-of-the-art Zoom facilities? Why do airlines insist on everyone passing though one bottleneck, one door? Why can't a fingerprint pay or bill or get you through security, just as it works on my laptop? Why do bank wire
No matter where you are right now, some countries have fewer restrictions, some have more. Some parts of the country have more freedom of movement, some less. The key is to make the best of where you are. Control what you
Who Was That Unmasked Man?
About 60% of the attendees at my session in Atlanta on Wednesday wore masks. I found just two issues with the masks. First, it was hard to hear some people who chose not to remove them when speaking. I dealt with
The Ups vs the Downs
I'm weary of listening to "ideal leadership traits" and "what makes great teams" and all the rest of this nonsense, as though there are answers in the back of someone's book. Let me simplify: If you're not growing, your declining. There
High Resolution Boredom
We bought a honking big, new TV for the master bedroom, but its capabilities were beyond the Apple III TV I have hooked up. So I went online, ordered Apple TV IV and received it a day later (of course).
The Never Giving
I've determined that the Ever Given, the ship stuck in the Suez for all that time, must have actually been Noah's Ark. Every shortage I encounter is blamed on that vessel. There aren't enough chips for auto manufacturers, we're short on