“College Bound” Could Mean “All Tied Up”
Not everyone needs to go to college to be successful or happy. When I was in school about a third of the students were no better educated, no more interesting, four years later. They could have used that time to
Sticks and Stones
An ad hominem attack is one that is made against a particular person's character or nature, rather than that person's argument or issue. We see these increasingly today, on Facebook, in politics, and with almost all people tied rigidly to an
You Think Education Is Expensive?
Confirmation bias ought to be declared a pandemic by the Center for Disease Control. I'm astounded by the amount of people who seem physically unable to hear anything that disagrees with or contradicts their worldview and belief system. That is
Don’t Sit There
Everyone writing on Linkedin seems to have all the answers for all the personal and business problems in the world. Amazingly, it's always a chart or a visual that is either incomprehensible or nonsensical. I recall a woman who was my
The Great Big Book of Dopey Affirmations
I find things like this on Linkedin: • If you keep your balance you'll never knock someone else down. • It's okay to be last because you can see everyone else ahead of you. • If you don't take time to listen, how
Roots Are Not All They’re Cracked Up to Be
I'm sitting in Hoboken, NJ at the W Hotel, here for our high school class reunion being held a few blocks away. I'm staring at the New York skyline, where I usually stay, looking toward New Jersey. The Jersey side
Value or Vacuum?
As someone who's made a lot of money for a long time, and has helped other people make a lot of money for a long time, I'm telling you that the key ingredients are talent, hard work, discipline, and accountability
I’ve Developed A New Method for Your Success!
Facebook more and more reminds me of the "get rich quick" schemes that were once printed on the inside covers of magazines and comic books (along with muscle-building ads). Generally, if I've never heard of you, I don't think you're someone
Was Someone Here?
You have to love it when someone arrives 20 minutes late for a session, frowns when the only remaining seat is right in front, and then tells you that it will be necessary to leave early!
The Stupidity Around Vaccinations
After all the evidence and all the scientific research, anyone with children who refuses to vaccinate them—and thereby endanger hundreds of other people as well as their own kids—ought to be arrested for child abuse.