Get Rich Quick (Or Maybe Not)
I recall the old multi-level marketing (Ponzi Scheme) pitch that went: "I'm making more money part time today than I did in my full time job. Come to our meeting tomorrow night." At the meeting, some guy with a diamond
CBS News in New York
I'm up early looking over Manhattan arising, the most powerful city on earth. In a center of commerce, culture, and culinary arts, you'd think the media would set the standard for excellence. AT 5 am the CBS news has a blown-dry
The Customer Isn’t Always Right Or Even Close
I was talking to an entrepreneur who had established a terrific retail business. He was making money, obtaining strong word-of-mouth, and had wonderful employees. "There's only one unexpected problem," he told me, "and that's dealing with the public!" Recently, a guy writes
Volkswagen: DASM (Dumb Ass Stupid Management)
In my consulting experience, most unethical conduct I found was on behalf of the company. It wasn't so much a case of an individual's self-enrichment, but more of a crazy rationalization that if the act were on behalf of the
Beware of Cavemen
I'm walking out of the Capital Grill in Providence last night—very upscale, wonderful food, superb service, great environment—and I notice a guy in a booth who has picked up his bone-in ribeye, and is gnawing the meat off the bone,
Why the Canadian Postal Service Would Make A Fourth World Country Embarrassed
Dumb Ass Stupid Management A friend in Canada did a nice favor for me with a referral, and knowing he likes cigars, I asked my local tobacconist to send a good box of Davidoff's. The price was $525. They checked with
The Great Debate
All of the Republican candidates looked like Lincoln compared to the three-person circus that Fox News put on the moderator's stand: Brett Baier, Megan Kelly, and Chris Wallace. Mr. Baier looked as though he was just pleased as punch to
DASM: Diversify This
I get an email from a guy I've never heard of who wants to interview me on his podcast. I get these requests weekly, and politely turn down 99% of them. This guy's specialty is international cultural diversity. He lists his
Facebook has become one of the largest organizations in the world largely because it doesn't have an intelligence test to qualify members. This morning some moron posted that we have to become like Canada in the US: triple our union membership
Some people may thing SHRM is the Society for Human Resource Management. It is not. It stands for the Stupid, Hardly Relevant Mess. I've thought for a long time that HR in general is a vestigial appendage, to the extent it