If You Want Affection, Get A Dog
Stop craving affection and start generating respect. You accomplish that by demonstrating how you can improve my life, not by pandering or telling me how good you are. Prospective buyers need expertise, not a buddy.
38 Years Later
John Naisbitt wrote Megatrends in 1982 in which he made the famous prediction for "high tech, high touch." That observation is truer today than ever before. Don't be lulled into thinking that podcasts, email, videos, instagram, Zoom, and so on can
Do Not Virtually Assist Me
I received an angry letter this morning from a "virtual assistant" who took umbrage (I must buy stock in umbrage, it's used quite often) with my writing somewhere in one of my books (I write a lot of stuff) that
Back to Basics
Your fees should be based on value. Value is the improvement in the buyer's condition. Solving problems is not as valuable (because most organizations are pretty good at that) as innovation and improvement. Value emanates from business objectives, which are
Is Anyone Home?
People take some days off for the holidays, but they don't go on sabbatical! If you decide to stop marketing for the month then stop wondering why your sales pipeline is dry during the first quarter of 2020.
A business proposal from a consultant to a prospective client is not an exploration or a negotiation. It is a summation of conceptual agreement reached in person and recorded in the proposal. If you don't have that prior agreement with
Yeah, Well, Try Doing It Better
Here's the deal: If someone tells me they need help, and I give them advice that I know works and will work for them, and they are still unsuccessful and tell me, "I'm already doing what you told me to do
Strategically Thinking….
"We need a strategy" is a common plaint, and usually wrong. What's actually happening is that the tactics are failing. People often respond to my advice with, "I'm already doing that!" I reply, "Yes, but you're not doing it well
Look, Doc, Before You Cut, How About A Ten Percent Discount?
I've never understood consultants who are flummoxed by a prospect saying, "Others can do this cheaper than you." Do you shop for the cheapest heart surgeon, or mechanic for your car, or roof repairer? What's really going on, of course, is
Winning Percentages
I'm watching a lot of football this time of year, and all of these teams are filled with star athletes, even at third-string. Yet only some teams are far above the pack. it's not the athletes, it's the coaching. The same