Please Stop Lighting Matches Near the Dynamite
Preventive action is far superior to contingent action, because it saves money, time, embarrassment, and sometimes, lives. Prohibiting smoking, separating combustibles, making sure electrical connections are at or above requirements are far superior than having the sprinklers go off, people
Looking Good. But How Are You Performing?
Having an admired web site, or a book doing well on Amazon, or a kibillion "likes" on social media may be quite fulfilling. But none of that means a thing if your business isn't growing. You can't take "likes" to
The Strategy Pothole
Most attempts to formulate strategy, in any size business, are a waste of time, because: • The process attempts to look too far into the future in volatile times. • Assumptions are used in place of facts. • The wrong people are included
The 20-Minute Business Proposal
A proposal for consulting, advisory, and/or coaching services should be about 2.5 pages and take you 20 minutes to create. That's because you should already have conceptual agreement with the buyer, and a proposal is a summation of prior agreement, not
Are You Improving the Buyer’s Condition Or Only Your Own?
Take a close look at your conversations, promotional material, and collateral, no matter what the media. Are they talking about how your clients are improved and are your clients attesting to that, or are the simply a recitation of your
The Strange Case of the Missing Floor
How strong are myths and "taboos"? In the US, you'll seldom see a 13th floor on the elevator buttons or rooms that begin with "13." There IS a 13th floor, of course, but the hotel labels it the 14th and
If You Want Affection, Get A Dog
Stop craving affection and start generating respect. You accomplish that by demonstrating how you can improve my life, not by pandering or telling me how good you are. Prospective buyers need expertise, not a buddy.
38 Years Later
John Naisbitt wrote Megatrends in 1982 in which he made the famous prediction for "high tech, high touch." That observation is truer today than ever before. Don't be lulled into thinking that podcasts, email, videos, instagram, Zoom, and so on can
Do Not Virtually Assist Me
I received an angry letter this morning from a "virtual assistant" who took umbrage (I must buy stock in umbrage, it's used quite often) with my writing somewhere in one of my books (I write a lot of stuff) that
Back to Basics
Your fees should be based on value. Value is the improvement in the buyer's condition. Solving problems is not as valuable (because most organizations are pretty good at that) as innovation and improvement. Value emanates from business objectives, which are