It’s This Simple
Never talk about fees until you find out what the client's real needs are. Never talk about the client's real needs until you talk to a true buyer. It's that simple. If you quote a fee over the phone to a human
How to Be THE Priority
You cannot simply be another issue or priority on the buyer's desk. The chances are that you will never be seen as the most important and won't receive an immediate sale. You should be seen as the person who can help resolve
Tradition or Mission?
Many organizations—and solo practitioners—think they have a mission when, in fact, they simply hold on to tradition. Sears is a big time example, and the "entrepreneur" who's giving the exact same speech as five years ago is a small time
The Secret
You need to provide distinctive value to prospective buyers if you are to stand out in the crowd. That means you need to create new IP regularly. 2. You need to then get that value on the radar screens of
The Tractor Guy
I watched a man drive the beach-cleaning tractor onto the beach from my balcony at 7 am here at The Breakers. He suddenly stopped, walked about ten yards, and picked up a piece of litter he had missed. He brought
Pressure Points
The Red Sox won (what I still call) the American League Pennant last night not because they had nicer uniforms, or prepared longer, or had better equipment, or even had better ball players. They won because the ball players they
German Shepherd Leadership
Bentley precedes me whenever we're going anywhere, indoors or outside, but he constantly checks over his shoulder to see if I'm still behind him or if I've veered off on a different course, or am taking a turn. This way
Add A Little Color
I post a cartoon on this site every Friday (Friday Funnies) about my dogs of years past, Koufax and Buddy Beagle. The original illustrator, after a year or two, told me he was raising his fees. There was no reason,
There is a tendency to sacrifice personal and private time to the demands of clients and prospects. We act as though we must respond to the date and time they inquire about, or they'll move on to someone else. Do you
The Price of Success
If you ever believe that your successful practice or company is golden because of your great clients and repute, I have two letters for you: GE. It was once a $500 billion concern. Now it's barely 20% of that, kicked