Control This
There are too kinds of "control" problems: 1. Those who believe, consciously or subconsciously, that they have no control any more, so they "make it up": I'm not being vaccinated. I can control my body, and you can't make me get
I Know You’ll Get the Cream, but When??
The server brings coffee, as requested, at breakfast. But no cream. The server happily agrees to get the cream. By the time he returns, the coffee is not hot. About 35% of coffee drinkers like it black, so two-thirds of
The Shot Not Heard Round the World
Someone recently told me he couldn't attend a course next week because he had contracted Covid. I asked if he had been vaccinated. He had not. I guess I'm not all that smart, because I can't comprehend how you choose not
Why We Really Need Autonomous Cars
I learned to drive when I lived in New Jersey. The requirements for a license included a written test and behind-the-wheel test. We had to demonstrate that we could parallel park. Apparently, no one under the age of 60 knows
Standing Up
The people who volunteer to engage with me in events, who overcome their "fear," are consistently the ones who do best in their businesses and careers. How much energy and stress go into protecting your ego? My self-worth isn't diminished by
Jonathan Vilma Watch Your Language
Jonathan Vilma was a star NFL player and is a very good sports commentator. But doesn't he have anyone bold enough to correct his errors and give him some advice so he doesn't sound so foolish? During a recent broadcast he
But, Seriously
The toughest coaching jobs are with people who start sentences with "I can't
Well, Maybe You Weren’t Right
People get into arguments all the time about stupid things, even their hobbies, let alone sports or entertainment or politics. I can understand arguing about the way your kid is educated, but not about why someone else should use your
The Performance Dive
I commented on social media that Amazon drivers leaving cardboard box deliveries in the pouring rain were either lazy or stupid. There are people criticizing me for expecting any better and for "blaming" the drivers. They hold Amazon corporate responsible
Some People Can’t Get A Grip
A woman contacted me yesterday via email, tells me she's bought one of my books, and wants advice. I took the time to tell her I don't coach for free. She responded that it's not "free," she's a customer who