Few conditions require that you rush like crazy (maybe catching a plane or performing the Heimlich maneuver). Otherwise, take a breath (or a day). Decisions usually don't improve by taking a long time and procrastinating, but they are definitely endangered
The Room Isn’t Moving
After an 8-day cruise, I felt as if the hotel room in Vancouver were rolling somewhat! We often retain elements of our last environment. But our self-esteem should be strong and constant. Not as low as our last setback (didn't make
Where Would You Life to Go?
We tend to create too many "binary" decisions: Should I do this, or not? A better question is "What should I do?" Example: "Should we go to the beach or to the mountains on vacation?" Better: "Where should go on vacation?" (maybe
I think there's an inverse relationship between feeling powerful and seeking magical answers. The less power people believe they have, the more they look for "magic bullets" and shortcuts from gurus on the internet who have zero marketing success except peddling magic
The Odds
In 1937, Lana Turner was "discovered" sipping a drink at a soda fountain in Hollywood. She became a great movie star. That was also a one-in-a-million chance. Yet people flock to the media trying to become influencers, screenwriters, actors, and "extras"
Time and Quality
Time has almost nothing to do with quality. I've met people who spent six years in college and are uninteresting and uneducated. I've met people who dropped out of school and are the opposite. The amount of time you spend on
Showing Up
When you walk into a room with dignity and friendliness, people will gather round. When you walk into a room with the attitude, "Hey, look who's here!" people will move away. Your "presence" should speak for itself: confidence, language, attire, grooming.
Of Pumps and Poop
I'm controlling the pumps, heater, lights, and so forth of my pool back home while I vacation in Nantucket. That's only possible because of modern technology. But the baseball cap I'm wearing is made in only one size because it's adjustable
Assume You’re Very Coordinated and Possess Top Quality Skis….
I don't care how many initials are after one's name or how many certificates and diplomas they have. The best coaches have "been there and done that." Do you want someone who's climbed the mountain or someone who stands on
The Emotional/Intellectual Swinging Door
Logic engages us in thinking, while emotions engage us in action. In a buyer's office, you want to achieve an emotional connection with your help and advice, so that it's not simply an intellectual game of chess. You need the buyer