If You Want Love, Get A Dog. I Have Two.
I write and record for myself. I'm anticipating that some others will find help and even enlightenment in what I have to say. But I don't write and record for others. I'm not interested in numbers of followers or friends
A Minute with Alan™ — Post-Grief
December 5th, 2022 I share this with you because we all suffer loss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JYHNudA8iQ
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/05/2022
We returned from London Saturday evening, a city I love and I've been visiting since the 70s. I've always considered it a "city/state," sort of like Singapore, because it's so thoroughly international and urbane. Someone greeted us at Heathrow and escorted
Who’s Responsible?
The primary trait in personal growth is accountability. There are adults still blaming their parents, employees blaming the boss, pseudo-Marxists blaming capitalism, frustrated talents blaming the "in crowd." There are bad breaks, luck, and accidents. But Branch Rickey, the general manager of
Who Needs the Concorde?
The British Air flight out of Heathrow was an hour late departing because they couldn't find a tug—for a jumbo jet, international flight! Yet we arrived in Boston a half-hour early! So there are time warps over the Atlantic. The cabin
I don't find any joy in people losing money in crypto. I don't gain by their misfortune and I've made some bad investments in my life. But whether it's Enron or Bernie Madoff or crypto, or whatever is inevitably next,
A Minute with Alan™ — Don’t Take Any Crap
December 2nd, 2022 Don’t take crap from people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDJZjwNSU_U
Come On, Man: The Rain in Spain Goes Mainly Down the Drain
We're in Harrods, in the "perfumery," and a very casually (sloppily) dressed woman is eating a huge, sloppy sandwich at a seat and mirror used for testing makeup. A guy walks by who looks like he was just washed ashore,
A Minute with Alan™ — Mysteries
December 1st, 2022 Why do you believe in God? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGlbR0wwvPI