Exploding Heads
Some people get so worked up that it seems as if their heads are going to explode. Once that happens they're pretty useless. I admire passion, but not zealotry. I support evangelism but not fanaticism. If you want to convince others, counterintuitively,
A Minute With Alan™ — Hostessing
May 2nd, 2022 How much training do you need to be polite? https://youtu.be/Wb2F_bF63kE
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/2/2022
People ask me all the time how I decide where to place my ideas. I have a weekly podcast, a daily “Minute with Alan” video, a monthly video, four monthly newsletters, I tweet seven days a week, and I blog
And Would You Life to Take Our Survey After Your Experience?
If a company can do no better on their service site than offer a chat with a robot, then I'm taking my business elsewhere. I also love the sites where you're referred to other customers' Q&A. In other words, let's al
Wait, You Have Real People Working There?
Wouldn't it be refreshing, maybe earthshaking, to hear on a service line recording, "If you'd like to speak to a representative right now, please hit 1 and you'll be connected within 60 seconds." I know I'd give them my business
Time Out
Do you ever think (or say) that you "just don't have enough time in the day" to accomplish what you need to? Well, you DO have enough time. You're just not managing it all that well. Barring emergencies and crises,
A Minute With Alan™ — Gas
April 29th, 2022 In New Jersey, only professionals can pump gas. https://youtu.be/WK60utB66dg
School Daze
What does it tell you about our unfounded belief that everyone should attend college (and accrue all the silly debt and have the government take the ridiculous position that others should pay it off) that a history major can't find
A Minute With Alan™ — Sleeping Beauty
April 28th, 2022 Let me sleep. https://youtu.be/B2_MqKlKhX0