Thank You for Listening
I think I convinced someone I know the other day to be vaccinated. One step at a time
The Wild Blue Yonder
First air trip in 19 months, longest I've not been on an airplane since 1972 when I entered this profession. Surprisingly crowded Providence Airport at 5:15 am, flight to Atlanta at 6:20 90% filled. Apparently a new Delta A320, very
The Ups vs the Downs
I'm weary of listening to "ideal leadership traits" and "what makes great teams" and all the rest of this nonsense, as though there are answers in the back of someone's book. Let me simplify: If you're not growing, your declining. There
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/13/2021
My dogs receive essentially the same dog food for breakfast and dinner (their only two mealtimes). The "wet" food may be chicken or meat or fish, but they don't care if it's the same thing every day, and the dry
The Agony and the Ecstasy
I spent four years as an undergraduate in college. You were supposed to earn enough credits to be graduated in four years, which I did. I read every word on every page of every book assigned. I thought that's why
What Have We Learned?
I hope as you read this you'll take a few seconds or a few minutes in memory of those who died, and in sympathy with those who lived but whose lives were permanently changed, by the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
The Act
No one is paying you to stand on a stage and recite a memorized speech. Or to use a "deck" of PowerPoint. Buyers are in need of experts who can convey knowledge and interact with an audience to deliver value—large groups,
Episode 204 – Legacy
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth™ - Episode 204 - Legacy. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform:
Fighting for What?
Personally, I find 9/11 an occasion to mourn the dead, appreciate this country, and work toward a better future. This morning the news carried the story that former President Trump is calling (doing the play-by-play) of a professional boxing match in