Amidst all the bad news, election, and restrictions and polarization: Developing a vaccine for a new illness within a year and distributing it within 30 days of final testing with over 90% efficacy is very impressive. If we can do
Join Me for High Impact Writing
Book, blog, newsletter, report, proposal, email, collateral, promotion: Writing is your most common, effective growth device. Why not become masterful?
Episode 162: Agendaization
Let's talk about agendas—why they're simply selfish "to-do" lists and can never satisfy those who don't wish to be satisfied. Listen to this episode on iTunes or Soundcloud! People with agendas—do we try to go back and change history? Would we be
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 11/18/20
Today's word: usufruct.
The Dog Star: Running After Business
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. —Astrological Definition) All of my dogs over the years, different breeds and mixtures, male
Glacial Turbulence
We tend to focus on volatility but right now Harley Davidson is in big trouble because its primary demographic has become elderly and physically unable to ride traditional motorcycles (or even lift them if they've fallen). They saw that coming
All Hands on Deck, Man the Lifeboats!
An agenda is like an iceberg. You think someone is arguing with you about an acknowledged issue floating there on the surface, and then you hear the sirens and the bells, you've struck the underwater part of the agenda, water
A rural Japanese area has had a problem with marauding bears and has decided on a quite simple remedy: They have constructed a giant wolf, with a motion detector that activates frightening sounds and flashing eyes, not unlike Godzilla, in
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/16/2020
I've been concerned for a long time about whether the economic deaths from Covid will outnumber the medical deaths. We've all seen stores and diverse businesses forced to close their doors, and of people having to rely on the government