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Contrarian Consulting

Let me understand this: Protestors can gather in the streets elbow to elbow, many without masks, but we're discouraging people from attending church who must wear masks to get in and are socially-distanced in the seating provided? Come on, man!

As I see it, the main sources of power in business and society: Hierarchy/bureaucracy: What you can control. Leverage: Who you know. Money: What you can buy. Expertise/talent: What you can do. Bullying: Who you can intimidate. Charisma: Whom you can attract. Reward/punishment: Who you can help

Do you really hate "them"? We'll find out on Wednesday after the election. Listen to this episode on iTunes or Soundcloud!  In the coming election, one side will win. Will the winning side be conciliatory and unifying or will they try to