Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 01/15/20
Today's word: hecatomb.
The Meaning of Life Daily
Life is not about what you can't do today that you once were able to do, it's about what you can do today that you never could before.
The Associate Assistant Senior Manager of Small Group Catering and Semi-Banquets
I'm weary of talking to six different people in hotels, with six confusing titles, repeating myself six times, as if they never talk to each other to support my meetings. So I'm now saying, "My requirement is one contact only,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/13/2020
This was a week of escape. Carlos Ghosn, an arrogant, profligate businessman who led a life of nearly unrivaled opulence, was spirited out of Japan in a plebian box otherwise used for concert equipment. But his treatment by what is
Are You Improving the Buyer’s Condition Or Only Your Own?
Take a close look at your conversations, promotional material, and collateral, no matter what the media. Are they talking about how your clients are improved and are your clients attesting to that, or are the simply a recitation of your
Let Me Help You Out While We Pose for A Selfie
An act of generosity is most impressive, ironically, when it isn't public, when no one's name appears on a building, when you do something for someone in need and don't post it on Facebook, when there's no mention in a
The Strange Case of the Missing Floor
How strong are myths and "taboos"? In the US, you'll seldom see a 13th floor on the elevator buttons or rooms that begin with "13." There IS a 13th floor, of course, but the hotel labels it the 14th and
What’s Your “RA”?
Check your RA: Reaction Attitude. Are you immediately skeptical or cynical when you hear others talk or are exposed to an idea? Or are you inquisitive and curious? Being cynical after you investigate something or analyze an approach may make
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: The Marriott Stain on the Ritz-Carlton Chain
I stay in high-end hotels in nice suites. I tell you this because it's germane to my point herein. The Ritz-Carlton chain was once one of the finest in the country, and then Marriott acquired them. The cost-cutting and changes began