In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
Complaints about too many tourists in a location uttered by people who are, themselves, tourists, is just about the height of a lack of self-awareness. Every single person who’s ever offered me unsolicited critique about my cars, clothes, jewelry,
Honk! Honk!
New Zealand man brings emotional support clown to layoff meeting David Matthews New York Daily News | Sep 15, 2019 | 4:15 PM A New Zealand man, brought a clown to meeting where he lost his job. (Valerie Loiseleux/Getty Images/iStockphoto) A New Zealand man
Creating Community
There is tremendous value in creating a "community" among your buyers where they can interact—virtually or in real time—with colleagues whom they would otherwise never meet, except through your auspices. Those communities (not "tribes") will impute even greater value to
Episode 110: Men and Women
What are inclusion and exclusion really about? We have to stop this tribalism.
Full Employment, Zero Sales: DASM
It's amazing how many high-end stores—brand name stores—in state-run economies have a lot of employees and zero customers. Full employment, but no consumer spending. I fondly remember the designer shoe store in Beijing which had no seats or chairs! There
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 11/13/19
Today's word: benison.
The Guardians
We visited the homes and mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh here in Hanoi. There are special guards everywhere, apart from the omnipresent police and military. They wear special, white uniforms and monitor all the queues along with obvious plain clothes
Peripheral Skills
People seem to wonder what I mean by "peripheral skills," which are skills not immediately critical to your profession but do tend to set you apart. A brief example, which I'm sure you've all experienced. Tour guides and waiters have become
We pulled up to the Metropole Hotel "old wing" in a modern BMW. This original wing was built in 1901. Several hotel managers were lined up to greet us, and every bellman and doorman and butler greeted us by name.