Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 08/14/19
Today's word: distrait.
Finding Cause of Resistance
If you're not making sufficient progress with a buyer and don't know why ask this question: "What is your biggest hesitation in moving forward with my suggestions and involvement?" Find the cause of the resistance.
Birds don't have to flap their wings as much in strong winds because the air flow is sufficient. Only when there are no winds do birds have to work hard at creating sufficient lift. Don't be afraid of the winds: strong
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/12/2019
I'm sitting in my "studio" in the house we rent on Nantucket. It's 6:30 am (writing time for me) and I'm staring at the illusory straight line where the deep blue sea meets the cerulean sky. When we sailed the
Through the Door
We often crave for publicity and acknowledgment, but when that door finally opens we become tentative, afraid that we won't be "good enough." All you can do is your best. If you've done that, you've done well. Stop worrying about
Unintended Consequences
When I visit any "big box" store that has self-checkout lanes, I find several store employees
Stupid Questions
There are stupid questions, and I will now answer them: • Q: Hotel front desk clerk, when the doorman takes my bags to the desk and says, “This is Dr. Weiss,” and she says, “Checking in?” A: No, I’m walking my bags. •
The Great Wall of China was built between 700 BC and 200 BC. When I was there, I was told that parts of it which have crumbled cannot be repaired because it's too dangerous for the government to attempt. So a
Then Why Are You Asking Me?
When people ask me for advice, and then interrupt me to tell me that they're already doing what I'm suggesting, I"ve simply ended the conversation by saying, "Then you're obviously not doing it very well."