Stay Tuned, Here’s What’s Coming Up….
This morning the local NBC TV affiliate hyped an upcoming news report about a "hard landing" at the Providence Airport overnight. When the story was finally read, it took 20 seconds with no mention of which airline, the type of
Tell Me Why You’re Not Performing Better
One of the problems with "change management" and "OD" work (organization development) is that they are far too mechanistic. They tend to look at structure, processes, and procedures. I've found that most major problems in organizations are emotional and psychological.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 06/24/2019
Have you noticed the difference in some TSA agents working in the same airport at the same time? Or "baristas" in the same coffee shop? Or claims agents on the phones at the same insurance company? How about gate agents
Put the Phone Down and Listen to Me
"Multi-tasking" is kind of ludicrous for people. It usually means that we do several things poorly at once, rather than one thing superbly well. It's a quantitative not a qualitative endeavor. Focus on what's important and in front of you. If
If You Win, I Win
Walk into a meeting with the buyer with the attitude that you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You can't walk out any poorer—no one is going to take your money, and you'll have learning experience no matter
Please Learn This. Thank You.
Alleluia! Someone wrote me this morning to tell me he lost something I'd sent him and would I please resend it and he apologized. About 98% of the time the communication is more like: "You never sent the instructions and I've checked
Swimming with the Snarks
It's rather simple to "attack," especially through sarcasm, and "put-downs," and snideness. This is particularly true in the internet age where you don't need to do this in person. In fact, about 99% of the internet critics and underminers would
Episode 89: Scoot
Why progress in personal transportation is questionable, and how personal injury lawyers probably invented it. Progress is great in our society, but not unfettered progress.
This Will Improve Your Persuasion by 100%
If you want to present a new idea—new IP—don't begin by justifying it, by citing other authorities, or other works, or your credentials. Start with the excitement of what the idea will do for the other person. In other words, act