If you'd like to deal with an existential question: When I'm tossing the Frisbee to Bentley, am I doing him a favor or is he doing me one? When you're closing a deal with a prospect, the buyer isn't doing you
Seven Figures: Stop Running, Start Learning
Want to make the metaphorical million a year? It's only $5,000 each weekday, or $25,000 a week, or $100,000 monthly. In a blazing economy on a record run, that's not all that difficult IF you're willing to listen to advice,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/06/2019
I've been attending the theater since I was 17 and received a free ticket from a teacher who believed I needed some culture! I've always thought the theater had clear roles: escapism (Little Shop of Horrors); and social and political
Higher Fees for Higher Performance
In non-profit fund-raising, it's hard to raise money to pay down debt or repair things. It's easier to raise money for future expansion, or providing services to new groups, or hiring new staff. In business, buyers don't want to pay a
The Theater Scene in Providence
We frequently jump on the Acela and head for Broadway, where I've been seeing plays since I was 17 and someone gave me free tickets. However, this past Friday and Saturday night we remained here in Providence and saw great
The Chain Reaction of Attraction®
The more "attractors" you lure into your community, the more they will, in turn, attract still others. Don't simply look for quantity for your lists and activities, instead seek quality. "Quality" here consists of people whom others will readily be
I've long preached that you shouldn't assume anyone is "damaged" unless you have evidence that they are. You'll find that evidence about five percent of the time in my experience. When you find it in a buyer (habitually late, won't
The Dog Star: Habits
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. —Astrological Definition) Bentley, when given a large treat or a bone, takes it away
Episode 82: The Absence of Ethics
With traditional sources trampled, how do we tell right from wrong? We need to ask what's right and not merely what's expedient.