The Customer Isn’t Always Right Or Even Close
I was talking to an entrepreneur who had established a terrific retail business. He was making money, obtaining strong word-of-mouth, and had wonderful employees. "There's only one unexpected problem," he told me, "and that's dealing with the public!" Recently, a guy writes
Extending Your IP to Others for Passive Income
Have you thought about codifying your consulting/expertise model and licensing it to others? It's an interesting conversion from wholesale (corporate) to retail (individuals) and involves very little effort. If your expertise is strategy consulting, for example, commit your steps to writing,
IMC Conference in Australia
I love visiting Australia and have spoken on two occasions at the IMC (Institute of Management Consultants) Conference. The IMC is the major body for consultants in Australia and this year they have Josh Frydenberg, Federal Minister for Energy, Resources and Northern
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/28/15
The media are reporting that "Volkswagen installed software on 11 million of its diesels to cheat on emissions testing." That is called a "metonymy," because Volkswagen is a non-animate entity which can't do a thing. What is really meant is
Volkswagen: DASM (Dumb Ass Stupid Management)
In my consulting experience, most unethical conduct I found was on behalf of the company. It wasn't so much a case of an individual's self-enrichment, but more of a crazy rationalization that if the act were on behalf of the