All Aboard
It's 8 am and the Acela is pulling out of Penn Station in New York, silently and stealthily, passing hundreds of arriving commuters from local train mere feet away from the tracks. They are trudging, infantry-like, down the platform and
Do you awake under your own control or someone else's? I don't mean the alarm clock, or wake up call, or rooster. I mean, do you wake up with the intent of having a great day mostly under your control,
What If It’s Not “This or That,” But Both?
Folks, let's understand that seldom does one advance in any area replace all that went before it. We still don't have a checkless society, nor paperless offices. We continue to use propeller-driven planes. Radio, even AM radio, has not disappeared.
A Good Cigar
I had a gift certificate to one of my cigar clubs, and I know they carry the "cigar of the year." (La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull) I walked in mid-day, when I'm never otherwise there, and I encountered the bar/cigar
The Non-Resolutions
Statistically, 94.56% of New Year's resolutions are not met. (I made that up, but I'd bet on it.) The error is in making them in the first place without support. Want to accomplish some great objective—write a book, lose 25 pounds,
Real Security, Real Opportunity
The only safety in a herd, school, or flock is that you're with so many, you may not be the one eaten by predators. You only have to run, swim, or fly faster than the next slowest member. But the safety
Thank You Very Much
I bemoan service standards in Europe, Australia, and South America (and Canada) as being far below those of the US. But Asia is right up there, and far better on the airlines. At JAL first class, a woman escorted us to
Adventures of A Lefty
I've had an operation to correct a crooked ring finger on my right hand, which put the hand in a splint from Wednesday until this coming Monday, So this righty has become a lefty, like my hero, Sandy Koufax. My observations: •
The Platitudinous
Which of the following are actual quotes from famous authors, statesmen, or philosophers? (Answer far at the bottom.) To love one's country demands the love of diversity. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken
A Quick Tip
A taxi in Sydney takes me to my meeting. I pay the driver, including my usual tip, and thank him. "Good Lord," he says, "you're American." "Can you tell by my accent?" "No, I can tell by your tip!"