Use Your Directional Signal Or I’m Going to Beat the Hell Out of You
There's a difference between zealotry and fanaticism, as compared to passion. Passion is strong emotion, a great enthusiasm. We should seek to hire people with passion. Our hobbies and interests should fulfill some of our passions. But I'm never going
I’m 5′-10″ with brown eyes. Please be accepting.
The new airline announcements go something like this; "Although masks are no longer mandatory, we ask passengers to be accepting of those who choose to wear them and also accepting of those who choose not to wear them." It's a sad
Here's a sign of the times. I think Facebook is pure fluff (and confirmation bias for every paranoid conspiracy advocate in the world), but there are special interest groups that cater to hobbies, whether model building, stamp collecting, knitting, and
The Jogger
There is a narrow, typically New England road nearby which I often use to get to the house I own a rental property and where I keep my model train layout in the carriage house. I'm on it a lot.
All the News That (We See) Fit to Print
Reading the Sunday New York Times was always a ritual for me, beginning in my 20s. I'd typically spend about two hours combing through news, the arts, sports, book reviews, and so forth. It was liberal but fair. Today, nearly every story
Let's get this straight: There is no excuse for assaulting someone because you don't like a joke they told, no matter how lame. Because if that's okay, then what's the line in the sand? If the joke is sexist or
The Inflation Bonus
Not long ago, health care workers in unions in Rhode Island were given a $3,000 bonus for receiving a vaccination. There was a huge and mighty outrage, but the union officials said it was a "normal" part of bargaining. The
A Little Perspective
I took my wife in for hip replacement surgery this morning at 5 am. There was a substantial amount of traffic of all kinds on the interstate. I said to myself, "There, but for the grace of God
A Plan “C” Is Also Recommended
Putin apparently has no "Plan B" for his Ukraine invasion. He just assumed Plan A would work quickly. Now he's in a corner, nowhere near the success he had anticipated, and his remaining options are to "double down" and make
The Choke
The Kansas City Chiefs had a 21-3 lead and a 97% chance of winning over the Cincinnati Bengals at the end of the first half of the AFC championship game. They were also down on the two yard line with