You Can’t Pay the Mortgage with “People”
People are astounded when I tell them I've never had any kind of staff at all. I do use outside firms for technical, printing, and accounting work. I don't believe in "virtual assistants" because they don't focus solely on me,
Accountability Starts at the Top
I have about a 50% hit rate when I write to CEOs about poor service or quality, in terms of their personal response. You can delegate tasks but not accountability. Top people who have "Teflon-like responses" to complaints create cultures
The Outside Is Cosmetic, the Inside Moves the Vehicle
There was a time when I'd keep a car for ten years. The styles didn't change that much and there were no "technology" upgrades. Today, it's amazing how the technology leaps very quickly—our pickup truck has a superb rear camera,
The New Reality About Service
We're enjoying a family vacation here in Vegas. Employees are working very hard, clearly understaffed, especially in restaurants. But it's all about management. When you give people support and empower them, they can make decisions "on the front line" that
Right and Wrong
Don't set out to prove someone wrong, focus on proving you're right with evidence and examples. Otherwise, you're involving others' egos and emotions and you're going to make your battle more difficult, despite the merits. That's especially true in groups. "Let
Who’s the First and Last Person You See?
When you hire a hostess (over 85% are female, so all you gender-counters forgive me) for your restaurant, wouldn't a basic criterion be a pleasant demeanor? Isn't the job basically about getting people seated rapidly and politely (notwithstanding vaccine checks)?
Raising Fees Is Step Two
If you want to increase your fees, start at the right place: First increase your value in the perception of the buyer.
In meeting with a buyer be diagnostic in your discussions about issues to address. But once hired and implementing, be prescriptive.
Let’s Try “Business Media” Instead
I'm always asked in my sessions how valuable social media are for marketing consulting/coaching services to corporations. People know my answer, there's a total silence, breath is held, and I reply, "Not valuable." This is because corporate buyers—buyers—not HR people,
My session in Atlanta was a welcome return to live sessions after 19 months and we had 50 people, some of whom flew in for the day. After ten minutes it felt a if the last time were just yesterday.