Pay A Buck, Step Into the Tent, See the Wonders of the World
I find people investing in "lead systems" and "office support" in terms of "research" and providing "consulting models." The only people profiting from this are the ones running these offers. This isn't a cold call or direct mail business, it's a
Really? A Phone Call Instead of A Meeting?
Do you notice we're all talking about "remote" business as if it's something new, engendered by pandemic restrictions? I've been coaching, advising, and hosting my Forums for decades, all remotely. When there were "teleconferences" they were remote! It's like someone
My experience is that when I have to escalate an issue with people in authority I'm successful 90% of the time. (The other 10% usually involves government.) So the front line manager waffles or can't decide or is afraid, and
The March of Time
Over the past two days I've conducted an interview for my podcast series, done an interview for someone else's podcast, delivered two workshops, completed four coaching sessions globally, and communicated with dozens of clients and prospects, while dealing with properties
We all make mistakes with clients sooner or later. I've found this sequence to help: • Immediately apologize and show true remorse. If it wasn't you, but an employee or subcontractor, it doesn't matter, the buck stops with you. After acknowledgment and
Avoiding the Parasites
One of my granddaughters went onto our lawn overlooking the Atlantic here in Nantucket last night, and threw pieces of chicken that were left over from dinner onto the grass. Within seconds, two huge herring gulls landed. The second constantly
Learning and Applying Should Be in Propinquity
How much of your college education is actually relevant today, or was even relevant upon graduation? I learned a great deal of applicable, relevant stuff in grammar school, because the teachers immediately had us reading, using math, diagramming sentences, and
That Plane Won’t Be Landing
I knew nothing about pickup trucks when my wife and I decided we needed one to haul animal food, plants, and for forth. I didn't then go to the web and troll auto sites, I asked someone I knew who
Who’s on First?
Once upon a time I was at an executive meeting at an insurance client. The debate at the table was whether to give priority to independent agents' various demands for priority, or to customers (called "insureds"). I finally asked the
Making It
With everyone yapping about inflation and supply chain shortages and the sky is falling, maybe we need to have a different philosophy from "scarcity." How about, say, "abundance"? One technique: When you have an expense that's unexpected or quite high, don't