Memo for You Folks Who Want to Link
If you're trolling Linkedin (or any other such "meeting" place) let me give you some free advice which, from me, is worth a lot. Don't assume the object of your meeting affection is somehow "damaged." Stop asking to link and concurrently
Look At Me
If my iPhone can use facial recognition to unlock, and my bank app uses facial recognition for entry into my accounts, why can a desk top or lap top and all the sites I visit on the web do the
Some Numbers to Ponder
As of this morning, the average number of followers on Twitter is 208. The average number of friends on Facebook is 338. About 50% of all those on Linkedin have fewer than 500 connections. According to Jonah Berger's research (the author of Invisible Influence
Psst! Over here. You wanna buy a watch?
Of all the scams I know on the internet, among the worst (more so than even the African princes offering you millions to hold their money) are the Indians offering to improve SEO. They must have their share of naive people
More Stupid Stuff on Facebook
Just when you think it cannot get any stupider, a woman posts a couple of days ago that she's refusing to accept credit cards any more in her business, because the banks charging a percentage on them is unfair, and
The Loony and the Lost
Somebody named Hendrie Weisinger writes absolute nonsense about leadership on LinkedIn and points out the need to listen to criticism as the key trait in leaders (the subject of his work, of course). When I point out leaders who didn't
Facebook has become one of the largest organizations in the world largely because it doesn't have an intelligence test to qualify members. This morning some moron posted that we have to become like Canada in the US: triple our union membership
What If Facebook Required An IQ Test?
I decided to read every Facebook post on my home page (or whatever it is) this morning right to the bottom, and I found
Hey Old Pal, Can You Spare A Hundred Thou?
A large percentage of people on social media platforms seem to feel they have become instant buddies and peers. (It's interesting that Facebook has "friends" but Twitter has "followers.") Among recent requests to me from total strangers: • Endorse them for
Facebook As A Depressant
In a study at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and Leuven University (Belgium) it was found that Facebook users in their late teens or early 20s were more depressed than non-users. The more people socialized on Facebook, the worse