Perspective Happiness
British Air put bright, yellow stickers on our luggage indicating "first class." And at Heathrow, those stickers were still affixed—as our bags came out dead last! But I realized that was better than their not arriving at all. So, when threatened
A Little Help from My Friends
I believe that you keep at your "calling" and your passion for as long as you're on top of your game. I think Sinatra was the greatest popular singer of the "American Songbook" ever, but he stayed too long. Tom
What Are You Afraid Of?
I have a tee-shirt that says, "I drink, I smoke cigars, and I know things." I think it's a "takeoff" from Game of Thrones. I'm not a clinician, but I've been watching people in organizations and as entrepreneurs for decades,
How to Set Sail
Stop slinking around hoping your buyer will re-engage for next year. Walk up to the buyer and say, "Things are going great, I know you're ecstatic about the results, why don't we plan the next phase now (or extension of
What Box?
"Thinking outside the box" is a dismissive phrase, because no one then bothers to tell you HOW to do that (because they can't themselves, they can just utter the banality). Besides, most of us can improve significantly by thinking better
The Damaged Ones
I've had to coach people who are very successful but who were the victims or inappropriate comments and feedback from others. Someone comments on their photo on Facebook, or says that an article on LinkedIn was dreadful, or questions their
Would You Like to Contribute to the Preservation of Methane?
Dealing with people isn't always easy. My highly scientific findings are that 23.45 percent of people are buoyant and eupeptic, they bring energy and humor to interactions, and are a pleasure. About 64.98 percent of people are pleasant and tolerable. They may
Allow Me to Coach You About Something
Coaching, like consulting, is not rocket science or heart surgery. It needs no special certifications or anointing. It does require that the coach have the best interests of the client always in mind, which may require "tough love" at times. This
You See, If Everyone’s A Maverick, No One’s A Maverick
Once we scorn success and excellence, and do away with valedictorians, athletic competition winners, awards for best sales people, publishing philanthropic giving, and similar measures of achievement, we have created a mediocre society that craves blandness and a pseudo "equality."
Innovative Parking
When the valets from my favorite restaurant see me pull up across the street at another restaurant with no valet service, the run across and ask if they can park the car for me. Entrepreneurialism isn't reserved for anyone in particular,