Bunker Mentalities
I read reviewers I tend to disagree with and others I tend to agree with. Therefore, if the former dislikes a book or play or movie which the latter likes, I know I'm on very strong ground to pursue it.
Why Don’t You Have A Fight Without Me?
When you meet people who are highly sarcastic and passive-aggressive and nasty, remember that all of that is really self-anger being directed outward to relieve their self-hate and perceived failures. When you fight it, you just feed it. Walk away.
I Don’t Remember Asking Your Opinion
Determine whom you respect, whose feedback would be valid and worthy, and solicit their advice and reactions. Pretty much ignore all other feedback because it's for the sender, not you, and can absolutely ruin your day in you have esteem issues.
Mix and Match
I virtually never use screen sharing on Zoom. I use a couple of easels behind me, which people can see on "speaker view" and of which they can take screen shots (in addition to my providing the video link later).
Webinar on Product Release and Cutting Edge Technology
This is offered through my colleague, Adam Bahret: Webinar: “The Alchemy of Rapidly Transforming New Technology Into Must-have Products”When: September 29th. 3:00 EST (12:00 PST) Why wait to capitalize on new technology? You don't have to endure long product development cycles to
I think what people seek more than anything else is control. They're most secure, even "happy" when they feel they have influence over their lives. We've come to call this "agency" today, meaning latitude of action. The media drown us in
The NO NORMAL™ Environment
Well, I have live events and experiences planned September through December domestically (along with July and August vacations). In the new year I'm hoping to travel internationally again, I hope starting with London. But things aren't "back to normal"—thank God. (Can
Engineering Passion
It will take me about 14 hours to record the second edition of The Consulting Bible. I'll finish on Monday at the studio. Whenever I blow a line I reflexively say, "Sorry!" to the sound engineer. And he replies, "Don't apologize.
….but you could have done better….
Sometimes we can never "win enough." We had a good day on the athletic field, but are told it wasn't as good as our sister used to do. We had great scholastic test results, but we weren't in the top one
Cosmic Criteria
Cosmic criteria: If you can't get something done in 30 days, you're not going to get it done without help, whether it's cleaning out the garage or writing. I don't mean something crazy, like "write a book." But I do