Time Out
Do you ever think (or say) that you "just don't have enough time in the day" to accomplish what you need to? Well, you DO have enough time. You're just not managing it all that well. Barring emergencies and crises,
Here's an exercise to avoid being prolix and strive for breviloquence: Try to make a case for something in one minute. Time yourself. It may be your value to clients, why a certain athlete is the best ever, the merits of
Don’t Listen to Orphan Annie, the Sun Is Out Today
I believe New Jersey just dropped mask mandates for public schools. We're all learning to live with Covid, just as we live with the flu. If you're a consultant, it's time to get back to your life. You can't network on
Some people define "vulnerable" as being subject to attack or invasion, such as a military defensive position, or a weak aspect of a sports team (the Buccaneers' defensive secondary was their vulnerability all season). However, allowing yourself to be emotionally vulnerable
There Are No Good Answers Without Good Questions
I send out six simple (I think) preparatory questions for my elite coaching program. Some people tell me they were "hard" to answer. Yet, these are questions we should be asking ourselves regularly! (Sample: What the biggest obstacle to your being
Bunker Mentalities
I read reviewers I tend to disagree with and others I tend to agree with. Therefore, if the former dislikes a book or play or movie which the latter likes, I know I'm on very strong ground to pursue it.
Why Don’t You Have A Fight Without Me?
When you meet people who are highly sarcastic and passive-aggressive and nasty, remember that all of that is really self-anger being directed outward to relieve their self-hate and perceived failures. When you fight it, you just feed it. Walk away.
I Don’t Remember Asking Your Opinion
Determine whom you respect, whose feedback would be valid and worthy, and solicit their advice and reactions. Pretty much ignore all other feedback because it's for the sender, not you, and can absolutely ruin your day in you have esteem issues.
Mix and Match
I virtually never use screen sharing on Zoom. I use a couple of easels behind me, which people can see on "speaker view" and of which they can take screen shots (in addition to my providing the video link later).
Webinar on Product Release and Cutting Edge Technology
This is offered through my colleague, Adam Bahret: Webinar: “The Alchemy of Rapidly Transforming New Technology Into Must-have Products”When: September 29th. 3:00 EST (12:00 PST) Why wait to capitalize on new technology? You don't have to endure long product development cycles to