A Minute with Alan™ — It’s Always the Sender
November 1st, 2022 I sent this to 20,000 people. https://youtu.be/vPS9W2Dl1cM
Some newspapers print "notable" birthdays daily. But they feel constrained to further explain some of the people on the list. So it might look like this: Janet Evans, 72; Joyce Hopkins, 70; William Stuart (Star Search, The Truth About Mom), 68;
A Minute with Alan™ — Happy Gas Station Guy
October 31st, 2022 Everyone who works there is polite and happy. https://youtu.be/aXHRicE7NEA
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/31/2022
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is usually attributed to Plato, with the attendant meaning that the perception of beauty is subjective and transient. What I find beautiful you may find mundane or even ugly. Really? The Mona Lisa?
They Won Because They’re Stronger, and That’s Not Fair!
Allegedly, according to the New York Times, an NYU professor has been fired because a minority of his students in organic chemistry complained that his course was "too hard." I'm thinking of all the races I could have won if I had protested that
A Little Help from My Friends
I believe that you keep at your "calling" and your passion for as long as you're on top of your game. I think Sinatra was the greatest popular singer of the "American Songbook" ever, but he stayed too long. Tom
Taylor Swift does absolutely nothing for me. Why would the network moderator at the Fetterman/Oz Senate debate keep calling Dr. Oz, who has a medical degree, “Mr.” while Jill Biden, who has a PhD in English, everyone insists must
Let Me Tell You What Somebody Else Thinks, or Thought
All these people on Facebook and LinkedIn quoting ancient Greek philosophers, often with contradictory quotes from day to day. What is this? Is it pseudo-intellectualism through osmosis?! Come up with something interesting to say and stop regurgitating something that two millennia
A Minute with Alan™ — Ticket Stamped
October 28th, 2022 The people who cheated in high school cheated in college, and they're probably still cheating in life. https://youtu.be/WWIyFm-SXjM
Gaining Speed By Slowing Down
We supposedly value "second opinions" yet we seldom actually pursue them if we trust the source of the first opinion. This is why building trust is so vital in marketing. You want the buyer to be mesmerized by your value,