Down Under, Up and Over
The Victorian government in Australia has had draconian Covid restrictions, the population is about 90% vaccinated, and now hospitals there have declared a state of emergency because they can't handle the existing Covid cases. What's wrong with this picture?
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 01/19/2022
Word of the week™: Repine Fear or fret
There Is No Such Thing As A “Brief Hold”
I can forgive mistakes (I make them and so do you), and I can forgive accidents (some stuff just happens). But I don't forgive rudeness and lack of professionalism. Those are choices. And my choice is to not come back. I
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/17/2022
A few days ago I'm driving along one of my favorite back roads, alongside a creek, on my way to work out. I notice a school bus approaching at about two miles per hour, without its warning lights on. The
Play the Game and Stop Whining
In the football playoffs over the weekend, there were several incorrect calls by officials, at least one costing the Raiders a tie at the end of regulation rather than the loss the suffered. There were also some inexplicable errors by
Nudge Until You Get What You Want
Sometimes, at about 5 in the morning, I feel my hand being lifted or my head sniffed. It's Bentley, who's decided that, at that moment, he needs to be petted. After a minute or two, sated, he goes back to
Wait: What’s Your Question, Not Your History
There's a process I've termed "articulating your cognitive processes." Basically, that means "rambling." We've all been exposed to people who insist they precede their question with "background," which is really just an excuse for them to review their own history and
You Can’t Improve Unless You Know How To
When I complain about service, I level the playing field by also making sure I compliment good service when I encounter it. I also have the belief that management wants to improve the operation and that they need to hear
Control This
There are too kinds of "control" problems: 1. Those who believe, consciously or subconsciously, that they have no control any more, so they "make it up": I'm not being vaccinated. I can control my body, and you can't make me get