Episode 117: Limited Responses
Why it's negligent not to be ready for the most common responses. A lot of us are blowing it because we're not prepared.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 01/08/20
Today's word: claustral.
If You Want Affection, Get A Dog
Stop craving affection and start generating respect. You accomplish that by demonstrating how you can improve my life, not by pandering or telling me how good you are. Prospective buyers need expertise, not a buddy.
Deep Secrets of Marketing
If you want inexpensive, highly accurate marketing guidance, ask your existing buyers what they read, what events they attend, and to whom they listen for advice. That's where you publish, that's where you speak, that's where you network. Seriously, when is
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/06/2020
The sole American highspeed train, the Acela, is capable of 186 MPH, but can only manage about 150 MPH and then only on three sections of track in the total 460 miles from Boston to Washington, DC. That’s because the
Be An R&D Lab, Not A Copy Machine
"Derivative" means "imitative of the work of another." It's not quite theft, but nor is it anywhere near original. If you glance at LinkedIn these days, for example, you'll find a slew of "talking heads," people looking into a camera and
38 Years Later
John Naisbitt wrote Megatrends in 1982 in which he made the famous prediction for "high tech, high touch." That observation is truer today than ever before. Don't be lulled into thinking that podcasts, email, videos, instagram, Zoom, and so on can
Your Attention, Please
I was introduced once at an awards ceremony as "one of the three geniuses in this organization." I asked my introducer what was going on with that phrase after my acceptance. He told me, "Everyone in that audience was thinking,
The Best Person to Trust
The greatest contributor to low self-esteem that I've observed is the lack of trust in one's own judgment. This is why people tend to be swayed so easily by normative pressure. For example, you listen to a mediocre speech, yet