Sand Box Learning
My first grade teacher taught me that I can't just demand to have my way, I had to compromise with others. I soon had that beaten into me, and learned the arts of compromise and influence by the third grade. It
The Dog Star: Obligations
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. –Astrological Definition) One of the things I like about dogs is that they expect
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/04/19
The origins of the phrase “get a life” go back perhaps 40 years or so. As I interpret the taunt, it suggests that someone is zealously focused on relatively trivial matters and needs to reorient to the more important aspects
Go Pats
It's one thing to root against Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and the Patriots because you want to knock off the champs, but it's another because you despise an excellence that you feel you can't personally achieve. Their formula is discipline, enthusiasm,
Despite All Evidence to the Contrary…
If you are frightened that you won't do well (in a speech, meeting, referral request, etc.) despite all evidence to the contrary (you'd done it well consistently before), these aren't "normal nerves" or "butterflies." They're indications of a lack of
Go Pats
If the Patriots win today, take 25% off any of the offerings on my site ( until midnight, Feb. 4 US eastern time. The discount will be automatically calculated, so don't worry about the printed fees.
Does Anyone Have A Tiger for Rent?
If you throw a rock down the street in a large city in the US you're likely to hit someone running for president. How many of them believe they stand a chance versus simply having a springboard to advance their
Episode 69: The Not So Disadvantaged
We are who we decide to be. If you choose to be disadvantaged, then you will be. But we all have choices. So, what's your choice?
Guest Column: Multicultural Market Realities
Multicultural Market Realities by Terry Soto Companies that are benefiting from expanding their strategies to multicultural populations in the United States have achieved a dominant business advantage. These companies have always been just as challenged by multiple priorities and growth pressures as