Can Do
Most people who respond to your ideas with, "You can't do that," are really saying, "I can't do that."
Stay, Don’t Go
If you're going to arrive late and leave early, why go at all?
I’m Not Dishonest, I’m Doing This For All of Us
In my experience, the overwhelming number of people who have been caught in ethical transgressions in a business, no matter how large or small the enterprise, think they're engaged in helping the company, not themselves. They are covering up a
The Boss Is A Tyrant
You need to look forward to your vacations, and look forward to coming home from your vacations. The idea that you can't do business while sitting on the beach (or hiking in the mountains, or driving through other countries) is as
Swimming with the Snarks
It's rather simple to "attack," especially through sarcasm, and "put-downs," and snideness. This is particularly true in the internet age where you don't need to do this in person. In fact, about 99% of the internet critics and underminers would
Logic and Emotion
Logic makes people think, emotion makes them act. What you say to someone holds much less permanence than how you make someone feel in that moment.
What’s Your Story?
I find the briefer you are in explaining what you do, using exciting language, the more people want to know about you. The more prolix you are, the more people want to get away from you.
What Are You Waiting For?
I was told recently that I'm impatient. That's true. I could die sometimes, just having to wait around. Of course, a lot of people are just waiting around to die.
Retirement As A Choice Is Self-Defeating
As you age, the horizon gets closer, no matter what your current age. That means it's time to speed up, not slow down. Healthy people who accept retirement will soon become unhealthy.
Alanism: Converting Wine and Prospects
Attraction without conversion is like a beautiful vineyard that produces no wine. Who the hell just wants to stare at grapes?