How honest are you with your clients during projects about employee feedback, weaknesses in their direct reports, vagueness about strategy, poorly run meetings, and so forth? If you can't do that, forget about migrating toward a career as a trusted
I Can’t Handle Defeat, I Can’t Handle Success
After all the uncertainty and struggle, now I'm hearing people complain, "I have too much business, I'm overwhelmed!" If you couldn't see the writing on the wall and you don't listen to experts, you pay the price. The business boom
Fire, Aim, Ready
I stopped in my hobby store here today to give the owner some business and to stock up. My total would have come to a couple of hundred dollars. But Charlie was morose. I asked what was wrong. "You were right," he said,
In Person
If you're not scheduling "live" meetings, events, and experiences now for the summer and fall then when do you plan to do it? While "remote" interactions will remain very popular, nothing is better than interacting with people personally. In worst
Damage Control
Many people I've coached over the years had been unsuccessful because their default position is that the buyer is somehow "damaged." Because the buyer needs help, the assumption is that he or she has contributed to the problem, or even
Stop “Selling”
If you can't enthusiastically convince a prospective client that your points are important to consider and worth pursuing, then: • You're not communicating well • You're scared or intimidated • Your value isn't sufficient • You're not prepared If you think your job is to
The New Sales Alchemy
About two years ago I became more disciplined about asking how new clients found me. Over 90% were from a referral from a colleague or reading one of my books (often because of a referral from a colleague). Marketing is not
Did My Passport Just Expire?
If you've at all adapted to remote marketing and delivery, you've seen how much more profitable your business is, even if you have decreased revenues. What lessons are you learning from that? You've been undercharging and over-delivering in the past!
Super Bowl Selling
The Patriots beat the hell out of the Chiefs in the Super Bowl because you only need to win that game, there is no best-of-seven as in baseball and other sports. In one game, anything can happen—bad calls, trick plays,
Years ago an experiment showed that Dunkin' Donuts customers and Starbucks customers, asked to use the other coffeeshop for a month with all their coffee paid for, all refused to change to the other store at the end of the