Little Things
My recent trip to Malta and Croatia reemphasized some customer service points. The server would ask if I wanted warm milk with my coffee. Why on earth would you put cold milk in hot coffee? The servers brought the credit card machine
Ensuring They Get Back to You
I'm asked regularly how to deal with prospects who don't return phone calls and email, especially when they have a proposal in front of them. If someone is more than two days late, there's something wrong. You don't wait weeks
Give Me an Example of That
If you're writing articles without real-world, contemporary examples to which the reader can relate, you're merely writing conceptual pieces which aren't going to persuade prospects. Think of all those awful college professors who merely read their notes and pontificated. You
How Can We Help Each Other?
When you walk in through the office door and you don't consider yourself a peer of the buyer sitting in that office, you're not going to walk out through that door with the business you deserve. You're not in this
Observing the Law
The lawyers have a saying about the courtroom: Never ask a witness a question for which you don't already know the answer. When you walk into a prospective buyer's office, there are only six things that are usually said first (e.g.,
Going for A Drive
There are close to 50 production cars (not multi-million dollar limited run cars) on sale in the US today that cost a minimum of $100,000, from a low of some SUVs to the high of a Rolls Royce. You can
The Best Offense Is A Good Offense
Stop trying "not to lose" business. Try to win business. Even if you manage "not to lose" it, the business will be on the buyer's terms and relatively modest, with low fees. The "prevent defense" never won a football game and
Tell your prospects after an initial meeting that you'll follow up on a given date, at a certain time, with specific actions. Date/time/action after every meeting to move things rapidly forward. Never allow "I'll get back to you" or "Let's
Are You an Amateur Or A Professional?
If you want to make waves and not just stick your toe in the water, you need to be bold about what you believe. I could say, "Billing by the hour or day will not generate as much revenue as using
Change, Damn It!
If someone does not want to be helped, it's unlikely you'll be able to help them. If you haven't made progress in 60 days and continue to coach them, you're simply accepting money for showing up. People can and do