Consulting 101
There is a cormorant, egret, and heron all at my pond this morning, and the osprey may well be around, as well. What does that tell you? There are fish. You don't have to see something to know that it exists.
Coaching 601
I've been coaching for a long time, and I have three immutable principles to guide me: I can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped, and I don't try. I give you my very best advice. Whether you accept
Making Time
If you can't respond to an email within 24 hours or a phone call within four hours, there's something profoundly wrong. You may think I'm talking about your response time, but I'm really referring to your philosophy about your business. This
The Prime Question
The title of this blog is "Contrarian Consulting." Let me offer you the prime contrarian idea in this profession, which really shouldn't be contrarian at all: First ask, "What is in the client's self-interest?" The answer to that question should readily
Change and Retention
We can change things around us or retain them, from our residences to our friends, from our hobbies to our outlook. Those are choices. Yet we often allow retention to take place from shear inertia, and change to be foist upon
All Aboard
It's 8 am and the Acela is pulling out of Penn Station in New York, silently and stealthily, passing hundreds of arriving commuters from local train mere feet away from the tracks. They are trudging, infantry-like, down the platform and
I Use “Results” So You Can’t Use “Results”
I stopped sending my publishers and lawyer after all the pond scum providing free downloads of my work on the internet because: • It's free publicity • I don't want people who would steal things as my clients in any case • The
Thinking Big
Think big. If you want big projects, big buyers, big notice—think big. I was asked recently for a donation for plans for an arts group. I'll make a small donation, but not a larger one because they weren't thinking big
How A Rodent Provided My IP
A squirrel was looking at me through the window from a tree this morning, about three floors off the ground. It was perfectly safe from most predators in the evergreen, and fairly sheltered, but it would have to go down
Royalty and Ancient Ritual
Watching the marvelously-acted "The Crown" on TV, I'm stunned at the protocols of the British royals and I understand why Americans want to watch and savor royalty at a distance, but not at home. I think the same holds true for