The Wrong Line
I'm waiting in line at the bank. There's only one person in line ahead of me, and four tellers. However. One teller is occupied by a man who is a small business owner doing a transaction, and claiming he did not get
Umwelt (oom-velt) refers to an organism’s self-life. It’s the opposite of anthropomorphism, in that we try to understand an animal’s personal point of view, rather than assigning it human points of view. Or as John Muir once explained, when asked
Stupid Strategies, Predictable Results
The future of newspapers is in one of two directions: The will form national networks, as have radio and TV stations, or they will grow small and serve localities. A good friend of mine and media expert agrees with me
Flying Solo
This originally appeared on, but I think it has utility for my larger community: Short and Sweet Okay, so what makes people successful in the solo consulting business? Who else would know as well as I?! • The self-confidence to help others
Agenda: A list or outline of things to be done, subjects to be discussed, business to be transacted; a program. — Webster's Third New International Unabridged (For those of you lost in Wikipedia, that's a "dictionary.") You have to beware of
Are YOU Recovering? A Consultant Stimulus Package
The economic signs are clearly improving. There will be continued bumps in the road, but the right vehicle should be able to handle them well. Here's what you should be doing IF you are optimistic about the future: • Contact ALL
Value of Community
The members of the Million Dollar Club, which I host, have come up with an "accelerant curve" (presented by Mark Smith), which we've embraced and expanded upon to demonstrate the connection among products and services ranging from ease of entry/low
An Exercise in Utility
Everyone seems to talk about another lesson in futility in wandering through their days. Let's look at what smart consultants (and any professional services provider) can pragmatically do to effectively and efficiently attract clients and customers. I learn these things from
Don’t Look Now III
We're just about at mid-year, and the market is up by 40%. A lawyer was whining to me at a board meeting a couple of months ago that the Dow had fallen by 50% from its high point, and would
Six Figures to Seven Summary Gems
Here are just a few of the gems, personal observations, regrets, and improvement points in the summary reports from the participants in the Six Figures to Seven Workshop just concluded in Newport: • I've worked much too hard at "not failing." • I'm