Take Your Best Shot
It's easier to carp than to improve. It's easier to blame than to take accountability. It's easier to be pessimistic and justify your lack of success than to be optimistic and work at success. I admire people who join mastermind groups
Open Channel Teleconference
Alan has just conducted his monthly teleconference series while dedicating this one to questions sent and asked by various members of his community. Click on the excerpts below to listen to some great sample questions and outstanding answers from Alan,
The Restaurant Cold Call Transformed
The names of everyone and everything except my wife and me are changed for obvious reasons! As we're driving out of the house to dine last evening, we realize that we have no dinner reservation in New York for the next
Lessons from the Million Dollar Consulting® College
I always learn more than anyone when I conduct these sessions, and here is what strikes me, either as new learning or validation of best practices: • Existing customers may love you, but that doesn’t translate to prospects unless you provide
Workshop Workshop
I have three openings in a maximum four person version of the Workshop Workshop, which I'm running at my home in one intensive day, October 22, 2009. You can find the write-up here for the original multi-day session: The fee is
Happy Labor, ah, Career Day
In 1882 the first Labor Day parade took place, an assemblage of thousands of people taking an unpaid day to celebrate the worth and value of their work. In 1894, Congress, with its usual speed of a decade having gone
Agenda: A list or outline of things to be done, subjects to be discussed, business to be transacted; a program. — Webster's Third New International Unabridged (For those of you lost in Wikipedia, that's a "dictionary.") You have to beware of
Laugh for the Day
You may have seen these, but if not, they're good to cheer you up! http://mashable.com/2009/08/22/youtube-fail/
Don’t Look Now, But….
I know it’s unfashionable to report good news, but someone has to do it. The stock market is hovering around being in the black for 2009. Government indicators are cautiously positive on trends in unemployment, housing sales, and trade. That is, things
The Perceptual Recession
I've been telling consultants that this is largely a "perceptual recession," and that stress is resulting from uncertainty, lack of trust in traditional people and institutions, and a feeling of powerlessness. I commend you to Daniel Gilbert's piece today in