Happy Labor, ah, Career Day
In 1882 the first Labor Day parade took place, an assemblage of thousands of people taking an unpaid day to celebrate the worth and value of their work. In 1894, Congress, with its usual speed of a decade having gone
Agenda: A list or outline of things to be done, subjects to be discussed, business to be transacted; a program. — Webster's Third New International Unabridged (For those of you lost in Wikipedia, that's a "dictionary.") You have to beware of
Laugh for the Day
You may have seen these, but if not, they're good to cheer you up! http://mashable.com/2009/08/22/youtube-fail/
Don’t Look Now, But….
I know it’s unfashionable to report good news, but someone has to do it. The stock market is hovering around being in the black for 2009. Government indicators are cautiously positive on trends in unemployment, housing sales, and trade. That is, things
The Perceptual Recession
I've been telling consultants that this is largely a "perceptual recession," and that stress is resulting from uncertainty, lack of trust in traditional people and institutions, and a feeling of powerlessness. I commend you to Daniel Gilbert's piece today in
Resisting the Tides and Winds of Others’ Storms
One of the most difficult positions to occupy and defend is that of being yourself. Every day, individuals, groups, and the mores of society are laboring to assault individuality and toss us into the blender. Normative pressure—the impetus to be part