Hey, Wanna Buy A Brioni Suit from My Trunk?
I've been watching a lot of sports playoffs and the (incessant) car advertisements are about pick-up trucks and SUVs and hybrids and so forth. Sometimes there are incredible feats of strength, sometimes great mileage, occasionally clear sexual suggestions, and also
Why? Why Not?
Someone once asked the great naturalist, John Muir, why poison ivy existed, since it seemed to have no beneficial use and caused so much pain. Muir replied, "Perhaps it was made for itself." We don't need validation from others. Perhaps we've
Cut Twice, Measure Once
"If you can't measure it, it's not worth doing." That's an example of pseudo-profundity which we find all over the internet, especially on Facebook and LinkedIn. And it's pretty inaccurate. (It seems to be in the repertoire of every poor speaker
A Minute With Alan™ — Save the Children
May 20th, 2022 This will hurt the workforce, the next generation, and the generation after that. https://youtu.be/LuimzSdTCvY
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: Why Don’t You Just Bring Me A Drink, Instead?
Almost all airlines engage in the horrid practice of hawking credit cards while you're trapped in your seat at 36,000 feet. Maybe the flight attendants receive a commission on sales, because the pitch is often five minutes or more during
A Minute With Alan™ — The Wrong Course
May 19th, 2022 We’re not in pursuit of credits. We’re in pursuit of an education. https://youtu.be/Qr5FGANpGs4
Does Time Fly?
As we age we tend to remember more recent things, and since so much happens every day, we recall so much that time seems to "fly by" as never before. New events and pleasurable issues tend to stay in our
Episode 240 – Common Courtesy
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 240 - Common Courtesy Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 240 - Common Courtesy
A Minute With Alan™ — Immigration
May 18th, 2022 If this place is so bad, why is everyone trying to get into it. https://youtu.be/6QDWokRLQOg