The American Aristocracy (Episode32)
Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.
The Power of Perception and the Press
There is an apothegm that states “Perception is reality.” In other words, people act and react based on what they perceive, irrespective of a greater empirical reality. An example would be someone treading water when the depth is only four
Facebook: Hiding in Plain Site
I've now "hidden" three different people on Facebook. (Hiding a face seems to defeat the purpose, huh?) I found this feature by accident, but it's a great device because it enables me to shut down people posting like those fake
Free Mentor Program Teleconference
There will be a free Mentor Teleconference on June 26 at noon, Eastern. All active and inactive members of my Private Roster Mentor Program, past and present, are invited to this hour event. There is no need to register or
Maureen Dowd on the Twitter Guys
I don't know if this works if you're not a New York Times online subscriber (which you should be far ahead of being on linkedin or facebook or mymouth), but check out Maureen Dowd interviewing the Twitter creators:
Tales of Unsuccessful Foreplay
It's mating season here, and this is one goose who simply had had it. © Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.
Some Intellectual Humor
Visit Emily Levine on TED and enjoy some outstanding insights. Click here to view.
Attitudes for Consulting Success
1. In any times, but especially these, stop whining and find out how to get things done. Believe it or not, there is no one hiding around the corner conspiring against you. The solution is generally within your grasp. I
Alan’s New York Weekend
The limo arrived at 7:30 yesterday morning, and I caught the Acela to New York, absolutely filled, 43 people in first class, but two great stewards who promptly served breakfast. I get the last single seat, since the Boston crowd
Facing Facebook
As the King of Social Media, I've now established myself on Facebook, following my venture into Linkedin. (Twitter is coming, but I have to limit my sugar intake or my teeth will rot.) I find Facebook much more fun and engaging