The Return
Value is in the eye of the beholder. You need to create sufficient value, jointly determined, to provide a huge ROI on your fee. However, once you've achieved a powerful brand, the value is in simply doing business with you. People
Ignoring the Unreachable
In "Mr. Saturday Night" Billy Crystal knocked a huge crowd dead with his stand-up comedy routine. But his manager found him dejected backstage. "You killed!" said his manager. "Did you see the guy at table five?" Crystal asked, "He never laughed once." Ignore
If You Want to Get Wet….
It almost never works to enter consulting part time. It's unfair to your current employer, often unethical, it's a mutual distraction, and it's not fair to any clients you may attract because your time is limited and often inflexible. If
You Can’t Tell People That!
If some people won't give you a testimonial because they don't want to admit that they needed a coach, then you haven't done a very good job coaching them.
Anyone There?
The old excuse that you can't market because "no one is around at the holidays" doesn't hold much water when no one has been around since March! Procrastination is a fear, not a career.
When I was a kid, and poor, my parents and I would each have half a grapefruit at breakfast at times. After eating the flesh, and scraping the sides, we'd squeeze the rind over a spoon to extract the remaining
There are two equally dysfunctional extremes. One is to believe you have no control, and the other is to believe you have more control than you actually do. Be realistic and you'll acquire power and influence. Be unrealistic and you'll
When I ask a coaching client why he or she did not make the calls for referral business we had agreed upon: • I was occupied with updating my computer software. • I thought I should delay it, the holidays are only
Oh, I Knew That….
I used to laboriously write down serial numbers using a flashlight, under my desk, for parts I needed to replace on certain equipment until I saw someone do this by simply taking a photo with their phone. It's amazing how stupid
Political Paradox
The problem with our political system is that the behaviors required to get elected are not at all consistent with the behaviors needed to be an excellent leader.