The Service Department
When I bought my very first luxury car, the dealer took me into the service department, and I noticed it was cleaner than a hospital, immaculate. He made his point. It wasn't just about selling a car, it was about
Are Your Pipes Holding Water?
I'm on Zoom yesterday afternoon speaking to a coaching client on some very important client issues. My cell rings and I say, "I'm sorry, Thomas, I need to take this for a minute, it's my plumber." "Oh, sure, go ahead," he
Entering International Markets
Choose the course of least resistance: Domestic clients with overseas operations Foreign companies with domestic operations Current clients’ foreign customers and suppliers Use counsels’ offices and chambers of commerce, e.g., German counsel general in San Francisco Use associations: American manufacturers
Interview Trick
When someone asks you, "What are the three essential
And Now, Following the Trained Seals….
There's an old aphorism about not buying the most expensive house in the neighborhood, or being the smartest person in a mastermind group. I think that's nonsense. Choose a house that makes you happy, not because of resale potential. And someone
Amex: Simple Adjustments
I'm a long, loyal Amex customer. "Don't leave home without it" was their mantra, but that makes no sense when virtually no one is leaving home. So, without a lot of fuss, their tag line is now "Don't live life without
Footprints in the snow look very profound and clear, as if you could track whomever came that way and find them at any time. Until the snow melts or the next snow fall covers the tracks. Then you have no idea. So
Glacial Turbulence
We tend to focus on volatility but right now Harley Davidson is in big trouble because its primary demographic has become elderly and physically unable to ride traditional motorcycles (or even lift them if they've fallen). They saw that coming
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
The two major theaters in this area have closed their doors until the 2021-2022 seasons. I can understand their decisions. I'm president of Festival Ballet Providence, and we've decided to try to dance if at all possible. Yesterday, we had a
The future of selling is all about evangelism. Are your customers and clients "marketing" for you by word-of-mouth and unsolicited referrals? If not—if you don't have a steady stream of inquiries from people who have been told about you by